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Application Classes (Subscribers Only)

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Two Days of Advanced PeopleCode Training!

Write better code faster. Leverage modern frameworks!

  • Object-oriented principles and patterns
  • Properties and methods
  • Constructors
  • Inheritance and composition
  • Unit testing

Many PeopleTools features, such as Event Mapping and Integration Broker, REQUIRE Application Classes.


60-days access
$1,497 USD


One-day course
$2,354 USD


This course is included with
an annual subscription.

Topics Covered

  • Object-oriented Concepts
  • Basics of Application Classes
  • Inheritance
  • Constructors
  • Properties and Methods
  • Interfaces
  • Abstract Classes
  • Design Patterns
  • Test-first Programming
  • PSUnit
  • Dynamic PeopleCode
  • Best practices

Who Should Attend?

  • PeopleSoft Developers

Course Content

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