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PeopleSoft Security Training

Security threats are present in every situation, take care to ensure the security of your team’s critical data and keep your people safe! Learn PeopleTools Security and Security Administration from Jim Marion through our two-day course! We provide activity guides and training servers running modern versions of PeopleSoft and PeopleTools.


PeopleSoft Query 1

Learn PeopleSoft Query, a critical tool for ad-hoc analysis as well as search indexes, reporting, dynamic role rules, and much more!


Fluid 3: Advanced Fluid Development

Are you proficient with Fluid and ready to learn more? We offer three levels of Fluid training, and this is the final level.


PeopleSoft Query 1

Learn PeopleSoft Query, a critical tool for ad-hoc analysis as well as search indexes, reporting, dynamic role rules, and much more!


Fluid 3: Advanced Fluid Development

Are you proficient with Fluid and ready to learn more? We offer three levels of Fluid training, and this is the final level.


PeopleSoft Security Training

Security threats are present in every situation, take care to ensure the security of your team’s critical data and keep your people safe! Learn PeopleTools Security and Security Administration from Jim Marion through our two-day course! We provide activity guides and training servers running modern versions of PeopleSoft and PeopleTools.


PeopleSoft Security Training

Security threats are present in every situation, take care to ensure the security of your team’s critical data and keep your people safe! Learn PeopleTools Security and Security Administration from Jim Marion through our two-day course! We provide activity guides and training servers running modern versions of PeopleSoft and PeopleTools.

Get Tickets $2,354.00

PeopleSoft Query 1

Learn PeopleSoft Query, a critical tool for ad-hoc analysis as well as search indexes, reporting, dynamic role rules, and much more!

Get Tickets $2,354.00

PeopleSoft Query 2

Learn advanced PeopleSoft Query features, such as expressions, drilling URLs, subqueries, manual joins, Pivot Grids, and more!

Get Tickets $2,354.00