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Check your e-mail (and spam/junk) for an e-mail from us asking you to confirm your e-mail address. After confirmation, return to this dialog to complete step 3: Enroll in this course.

Approval Workflow Engine (AWE)

A core component of Enterprise Components, the Approval Workflow Engine is PeopleSoft's modern approval framework. In this two-day session, developers will learn how to configure and extend delivered approval processes (day one), and then how to workflow-enable a custom bolt-on module, creating all of the metadata logic necessary to submit an approval request to the […]


PeopleSoft Integration Day!

Integration Day is a one-day webinar presented by Jim Marion! What you'll learn: What is REST? Producing and Consuming REST Understanding the REST URI Template Security, authorization, and authentication Application Services Framework Producing and consuming JSON Cloud integration strategies Testing and development tools At $447 per person, this event is 50% off our standard event […]


PeopleCode Application Classes

Application Classes are the foundation for many new PeopleTools features including AWE, Integration Broker Handlers, Event Mapping, and Chatbot Application Services. Our PeopleTools expert Jim Marion facilitates this two-day training course. We provide comprehensive activity guides and access to training servers running modern versions of PeopleSoft and PeopleTools


PeopleTools Boot Camp

This class is for new PeopleSoft developers that have completed PeopleTools 1 and 2. Attendees will learn the basics of: PeopleCode Application Engine Integration Broker SQR Query Jim Marion is your facilitator for this five-day training course.


Fluid 1: The Basics of Fluid

Fluid is PeopleSoft's latest user experience design paradigm. Fluid is both simple and complex. A two-day course designed for developers, architects, designers, and system analysts, this class focuses on the simple aspects of Fluid development to make students as productive as fast as possible. Through hands-on activities, students will learn the basics of Fluid development, […]


PeopleCode Application Classes

Application Classes are the foundation for many new PeopleTools features including AWE, Integration Broker Handlers, Event Mapping, and Chatbot Application Services. Our PeopleTools expert Jim Marion facilitates this two-day training course. We provide comprehensive activity guides and access to training servers running modern versions of PeopleSoft and PeopleTools


Integration Tools Update

Learn modern integration strategies and tools to help you implement robust integrations through our three-day Integration Tools update course. This course offers a subset of our five-day Integration Tools course, forgoing Integration Broker basics to focus on emerging technology. As organizations move to the cloud incrementally, we see pieces of ERP functionality migrating outside the […]


Integration Tools Update

Learn modern integration strategies and tools to help you implement robust integrations through our three-day Integration Tools update course. This course offers a subset of our five-day Integration Tools course, forgoing Integration Broker basics to focus on emerging technology. As organizations move to the cloud incrementally, we see pieces of ERP functionality migrating outside the […]



Jim Marion is presenting live and in-person "Getting the Most Out of PeopleSoft PeopleTools: Tips and Techniques" at 4PM PDT on June 8th! From the Blueprint page "Make plans to join us for BLUEPRINT 4D, taking place in Las Vegas and online June 6 – 9th, 2022. The hybrid event format is designed to provide an optimal […]

PeopleCode Application Classes

Application Classes are the foundation for many new PeopleTools features including AWE, Integration Broker Handlers, Event Mapping, and Chatbot Application Services. Topics covered are listed below: Day One Object-oriented ConceptsBasics of Application ClassesInheritanceConstructorsUse Case: Event Mapping Day Two Interfaces and Abstract ClassesComposition and Other Design PatternsTest-first ProgrammingDynamics PeopleCodeJava Considerations Do you just need to take […]
