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Fluid Foundations

Learn Fluid
Up to four days of PeopleSoft Fluid. This course is designed for developers, architects, designers, and system analysts. Covers navigation, page design, mobile, style rules, grids, drop zones, and much more!

Fluid Foundations

Learn Fluid
Up to four days of PeopleSoft Fluid. This course is designed for developers, architects, designers, and system analysts. Covers navigation, page design, mobile, style rules, grids, drop zones, and much more!

Fluid Foundations

Learn Fluid
A two-day course designed for developers, architects, designers, and system analysts, this class focuses on the simple aspects of Fluid development to make students as productive as fast as possible.

Fluid 1: The Basics of Fluid

Learn the basics of Fluid!
A two-day course designed for developers, architects, designers, and system analysts, this class focuses on the simple aspects of Fluid development to make students as productive as fast as possible.

Fluid 1: The Basics of Fluid

Learn the basics of Fluid!
A two-day course designed for developers, architects, designers, and system analysts, this class focuses on the simple aspects of Fluid development to make students as productive as fast as possible.

Fluid 1: The Basics of Fluid

Learn the basics of Fluid!
A two-day course designed for developers, architects, designers, and system analysts, this class focuses on the simple aspects of Fluid development to make students as productive as fast as possible.

Fluid 1: The Basics of Fluid

Learn the basics of Fluid!
A two-day course designed for developers, architects, designers, and system analysts, this class focuses on the simple aspects of Fluid development to make students as productive as fast as possible.

Fluid 1: The Basics of Fluid

Learn the basics of Fluid!
A two-day course designed for developers, architects, designers, and system analysts, this class focuses on the simple aspects of Fluid development to make students as productive as fast as possible.

Fluid 1: The Basics of Fluid

Learn the basics of Fluid!
A two-day course designed for developers, architects, designers, and system analysts, this class focuses on the simple aspects of Fluid development to make students as productive as fast as possible.